Monday, December 7, 2009

Alvida, Kuwait.

I kept staring at the way my nails were shaped. Absurd. They were shapeless, I thought.

Amidst the amused thought of wondering how I could make it look better groped another thought - "So its time, Isn't it?". I didn't dodge it this time. The parties were over. But what still clung on to me were the memories - of an especially different year of my life. A year that got me transformed - from within. School time friends walked into my life, reviving not only our friendships but also some sort of an innocence and clarity of thought that existed back then. The word of God walked back into my life leaving me inquisitive about its power to withstand shifting sands and bring some supernatural unexplainable exuberance in my life.

The Chaddis, the Yammies and the Chens. Bomber November. Spontaneity was the attitude of the chens.In the nick of 5 minutes, the Chens would all just decide to be together. Parents had it decided that if they needed to see their children, they had to now be at their bedside only to watch them sleep. Lol. I wonder if we spent even close to 10 days at home during bomber november. We split just to crash on bed.

Yeah, its time again. I think of how much I would miss them...

But what leaves me smiling sitting here is that I realise goodbyes had been harder and shattering, but this time I have been gifted with a goodbye that lets Kuwait see me leave not as a shattered soul but as a person whole, unbroken and passionate about life, proud about friendships and hopeful about love.


Maria John said...

Once again...congrats!

The Leonian said...

tanjooooo!!!!!!!!!!! :P (thank you!) :P :P

VSK said...

Lovely post! Love it!