Some frozen and dry, some still breathing with a sigh.
The season changed, so did the color of these leaves..
Heavy laden with snow, from green to white..
They didnt dance or sway, for the birds had forgotten their way..
Bereft of the spring twitter, the branches that held them together
were bent, droopin down and hopelessly blown.
'I'll keep you alive' whispered the voice below the ground,
her roots wrestled to not let go of any part of herself..
She whispered her leaves, her being.
"Its just the season, your branches shall not stay broken".
It thundered, stormed and blew stones of hail..
Though frail and withered, she promised to prevail.
Even with her grounds moving away from her feet,
she held her one fine branch up high.
Another night had set, and the dawn swayed in with a new promise..
Feelin the first block of snow melt away from her leaves,
A little green peeked out as tears of snow fell around..
From a far horizon, she saw the first summer bird fly..
From a far east, she saw a hopeful sun rise high..
The skies cleared out, so did her doubts
of a new born breeze bringing new life to breathe.
The season changed, so did the color of these leaves.
Smiling with splendor, from white to green..
They danced and swayed, for the birds had come to stay...
Filled with spring twitter, the branches rose up in vigor
and smiled down to the roots...
She whispered her leaves, her being..
"Its a beautiful season till the next storm arrives,
but bloom and smile, for your roots are strong,
if there be a season that is right, there will always be one that's wrong,
with each passing wind and each passing storm,
you'll still stand tall, even after your fall.."
With a soulful heart and head held high,
yes, i watched her stand tall..the soulful tree.
Post Op Tales
7 years ago
Good one, tree or life :p well said.
One clarification though, is it assosiated with something? Ma head is over flowing with issues right now! :p
that is a beautiful poem..i could picture wat u were saying, down to every minute detail..
Lol!Palli> Well...let yr issues flow out. Hmm, its nice to have yr own interpretations :P I dun wanna take the essence out....keep guessin ;) Mia> as always we are on the same note hihi :P
Same noteinae kurichu ennae kondh onum parayipikanda! Nah am not sayin anythin
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